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It is very important that you do not apply for financial aid before submitting your Enrollment application form.
A private school education is a costly yet beneficial investment, and many families are concerned about their ability to afford such an education. Oak Hall Episcopal School understands this concern and is committed to making our program affordable to all qualified students to the extent that our resources allow. Families should expect to contribute to their child’s educational expenses to the greatest extent they are able, given their economic situation.
Financial Aid at Oak Hall Episcopal School is based on the financial need of the family, as determined by the School and FACTS Management, and in conjunction with the School’s financial aid budget. The School cannot guarantee that it will be able to meet a family’s demonstrated need, as limited funds are available. The Financial Aid Committee is aware of financial pressures on families, however, and makes the best efforts in each case.
The School’s Financial Aid program is made possible through the generous support of the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma and the Southern Oklahoma Memorial Foundation, combined with contributions raised through donations to the Opportunity Scholarship Fund. Last year, the School provided over $115,000 of needs-based financial aid assistance. Financial Aid awards are reviewed annually, and returning families must resubmit an application each year.
Financial Aid is based on a family’s ability to meet the cost of an education at Oak Hall Episcopal School. With this in mind, the matter of divorce or separation is a difficult one.  It is the School’s position that wherever possible, divorced or separated parents have the obligation to contribute to the education of children for whom they have legal custody (sole or joint). The School has limited funding available, and it is therefore necessary that all custodial parents and their current spouses/partners living in the same house, if any, submit financial information. The assets and earnings potential of a stepparent will also be considered, while bearing in mind the obligation of that stepparent to his/her own custodial children.
Oak Hall Episcopal School believes it is reasonable to expect that wherever possible, families rely on their own resources, including the employment of both parents, once the youngest child in the household attends school for a full day.
Completed (re)enrollment forms and financial aid applications should be submitted by April 1. After this date, the Financial Aid Committee reviews applications and families will be informed of the awards by April 15.
The Financial Aid Committee treats all applications for financial aid in the strictest confidence. Families are asked to keep the terms of their awards confidential, and to discuss them only with the Business Manager or Headmaster.
We are pleased to offer FACTS Payment Plans and Grant & Aid Financial Needs Assessment on the same platform.
  • If you are an existing FACTS user, please Sign In and select the corresponding link to set up a payment plan or apply for financial aid.
  • If you are a new FACTS user, please create an online account and then select the corresponding link to set up a payment plan or apply for financial aid.
Enrolling in a FACTS tuition payment plan allows you to select a payment option that best suits your financial needs. The plans listed below are offered by your school. Depending on the start and end date of each plan, they may not always be offered.

Monthly Payments:
  • Spread your tuition balance over monthly installments.
  • Payment Methods Offered: Automatic Bank Draft
Quarterly Payments:
  • Pay your tuition in quarterly installments.
  • Payment Methods Offered: Automatic Bank Draft
To apply for Financial Aid and/or set-up your Tuition Payment Plan, please click below.