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Chapel & Worship
"Episcopal schools are created to be communities that honor, celebrate, and worship God as the center of life." Corporate worship gives us the opportunities for prayer, reflection, and celebration. Chapel is at the heart of our Episcopal identity.
  • Kindergarten — Eighth Grade students attend Chapel at least four times each week.
  • A short service of Morning Prayer takes place on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and alternate Fridays.
  • On these days, the students and faculty come together in the Chapel for the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner. These lead directly into a short service which includes a hymn, Bible reading, homily, and time of prayer.
  • On the alternate Fridays, students attend and lead Hoot & Holler, the School's assembly time. This is held in the gymnasium.
  • Wednesday mornings is a more formal Chapel service led by The Reverend Mike Stephenson. Father Mike is Priest-in-charge of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church. In addition to sitting on the Board of Trustees as the Bishop’s Representative, Father Mike teaches a weekly Christian Education class to the Middle School.
  • The Wednesday service follows more closely the Episcopal service of Morning Prayer as prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer. Once a month, Eucharist is celebrated on Wednesday morning in place of Morning Prayer.
  • Early Childhood Threes and Fours have a Chapel service led by Father Mike each Wednesday. On the other mornings, time for age-appropriate devotions and songs is held for individual classes, age groups, or the entire division.
  • In addition to the Chapel services, throughout the School, teachers share a time of daily devotion with their classes. Grace is also said by classes before they come down to the cafeteria for lunch.
  • Episcopal schools have been established, however, not solely as communities for Christians but as diverse ministries of educational and human formation for people of all faiths and backgrounds. Much as Jesus spoke to all present before him, both followers and non-believers, Episcopal school worship embraces the full breadth of the human family.'
  • With this in mind, Oak Hall Episcopal School is “called to fulfill two simultaneous commitments: to provide students an authentic experience of Christian worship that is unapologetically and identifiable Anglican; and to welcome, affirm, and support the spiritual development of students of all faiths or no faith at all.”